Weight loss exercises for women

As compared to men, the metabolism rate of women is slower. Double time is needed by them for losing weight. However, they are ahead of men when it comes to physical fitness. There are many weight loss exercises for women. Listed below are few of them:
If a woman decides to lose weight, bicycling is the best option to start with. This exercise surely helps in losing weight. It is a great physical activity. The legs, hips and butts will be toned effectively with bicycling. The heart rate will also increase.
Another weight loss exercise for women is swimming. 800 calories can be trimmed off every hour by swimming. As compared to other exercises, swimming involves a lot of fun as well.
Many people think that walking doesn̢۪t involve any challenges. They think that weight cannot be lost by walking. However, they fail to realize that a lot of body fat can be shed if walking is done at a moderate pace.
Dancing is a fun-filled exercise. Many women enjoy this physical activity. Substantial amount of calories are lost by dancing.
Aerobic exercising
Aerobics is also one of the best weight loss exercises for women. The heart rate will be accelerated by aerobic exercise. This exercise also helps in toning the butt, legs and hips.
Unwanted fats can be shed with running. This is one of the best cardio exercises. The body can be toned very well and the flexibility can be improved.
Tips to keep weight off must also be followed. Listed below are few of them:
Baggy and oversized clothes must be avoided. Form fitting clothes must be used.
One must not indulge in eating or overeat. One should be allowed to treat occasionally. But the monitoring of food intake must be done closely.
One should continue to exercise as this will surely help in keeping the weight off. The heart diseases can also be prevented.
Trigger foods must be avoided.
Before and after photos must be kept as a visual reminder is provided again and again.
One should feel healthy all the time. Healthy choices must be made.
Food rewards must be avoided. This might not help in keeping off weight.
One should eat at home. Extra calories are added to the diet if one eats out. Food must be cooked at home and portion sizes and ingredients must be controlled.