The 2 Best Weight Loss Exercises!

The 2 best weight losing exercises aren't what you think. In fact, you may have never even done them. AND... they aren't hard. So you're probably going to learn something new in this article. My hope is that you not only learn something new, but you use these 2 exercises to get rid of your fat fast.
Weight Loss Exercises
1. Easiest, most convenient way to get cardio in... jump on a mini-trampoline
This is my favorite exercise. I'm big on convenience. If it's not convenient, I don't expect my weight loss clients to do it for very long. So I get them to buy a mini-trampoline ($25 about) and jump on it during 2-minute TV commercials.
This is a full body exercise that forces your body into speeding up the metabolism due to the short 2-minute mini-workouts. I highly recommend you limit jumping on the trampoline to 2 minutes at a time.
Repeatedly doing 2 minutes (whenever you have some free time) boost the metabolism while keeping you fresh. You probably won't sweat either. You don't need to depend on going to a gym if you have a mini-trampoline.
This is what I want you to do. Watch some TV. Yep, go ahead. Enjoy your favorite show. But there's a catch. During the commercials, jump on the mini-trampoline.
This is my sneaky way of getting you to do about 20 minutes of cardio without it feeling like it.
2. Besides mini-trampoline jumping, I want you to hula hoop
I want to get you back to the basics. A gym simply isn't necessary to lose weight through exercising. It's a waste of time and money. Free yourself from the gym and you instantly reduce the amount of headaches you have in regards to exercising.
Get yourself a weighted hula hoop and twirl it around your waist for a total of 5-10 minutes a day. Again, if you want, use the TV commercials to get this exercise time in so you don't even need to schedule a workout.
The hula hoop is a wonderful piece of equipment (especially for women) that tones and sculpts the waist, love handles, and hips really well.
These are the 2 of the best weight losing exercises I know of that you can do in the privacy of your home.